Bangladesh Floods: A Sign of the Times?

Bangladesh Floods: A Sign of the Times?

It has been estimated that by 2050, one in every seven people in Bangladesh will be displaced by climate change. With a projected 19.6 inch rise in sea level, Bangladesh may lose approximately 11% of its land by then, and up to 18 million people may have to migrate...
Indigenous Activists Lead Ecuadorian Protests

Indigenous Activists Lead Ecuadorian Protests

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, Indigenous communities in Ecuador have struggled to get back on their feet, and the socioeconomic issues that have plagued these communities for generations have been exacerbated by skyrocketing costs of living. In most Indigenous...
IP3 Partners with Mosquito Fleet for 3 Day Kayaktivist Training

IP3 Partners with Mosquito Fleet for 3 Day Kayaktivist Training

Looking back on July 25th, 2015, the Shell Corporation’s notorious icebreaking ship, Fennica arrived in Portland, Oregon near Swan Island where it was confronted by droves of climbers and kayaktivists on a mission; to keep the ship from Arctic drilling in the...
Save Guåhan (Guam) Water – Sign The Petition

Save Guåhan (Guam) Water – Sign The Petition

As if the attack on Indigenous lands and waters wasn’t enough for tribal communities of North and South America, what we are seeing is the same old “business as usual” from the U.S. government and military, an attack on Indigenous communities the...